Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Info Graphic Pro. 1B: Teen Pregnancy Poster

Over any break I had during the week, I always ended up watching two hours of "The Maury Show," and the people who were on there that shocked me the most were the teenage girls who didn't know who their baby fathers were.

With even more shows about teen pregnancy such as "Teen Mom, 16 and Pregnant, and The Secret Life of an American Teenager;" I can tell that these shows have a great amount of fan base and also a great amount of influence on girls today.

That is why I have decided to focus my info graphic poster on Teen Pregnancies in America.

Some of the information I have found are in these links:

I plan on doing more research about it, as in sticking to a certain year such as 2010 and reviewing the age groups.


  1. This actually is very interesting topic! I honestly don't know much about it, but I sure would like to learn more. I don't think I ever seen or read statistics or studies about teen pregnancy, but I know there are a lot of cases, especially in Asia, Europe and South America. I see the map of the USA, but I can not click on it or the other info graph. Can u make them click-able so we can see them? Are you focusing in the USA only? I would certainly like very much to see compassion by continents, and if possible top 10 and least 10 countries with much or least cases. We people are interested by the extremes! Explore that thought :)

  2. topic approved... food for thought: shows like mtv's teenage pregnant one, does that glamorize teen pregnancy even though its meant to be a show that documents the issues with it? maybe im getting old, but i watch that show and am a bit disturbed.

  3. I was thinking of doing this topic myself. It is something that has a huge impact on our society. I think this is one of the best topics to choose and your information/research seems like you spent a lot of time on it. Good idea and good luck with the poster.

  4. this is a good topic and something that everyone has been seeing a lot nowadays. it will be good to show information about this topic in info-graphics design

  5. i like this topic. in my high school i knew 6 girls that had kids at the age of 16 and they didcnot know who was the father.It should be interesting to see your chart.

  6. this is a good topic. In high school i knew 6 girls that were 16 year old with baby's and they didnt know who the father was.I really want to see how many more teens are having kids at a young age.
