Thursday, December 1, 2011

Logo and Poster Sketches

My revised 40 sketches:

These are the ones that I have chosen for the Logos:

And these are the poster sketches:

Monday, November 21, 2011

Project 4: Branding LA (Los Angeles)

Some of the research I looked at to help me with what I wanted to create as my brand was...

I tried to show a mixture of different things that make LA known.

What inspired me this week...

Its not often that you see this type of work out on the streets and this type of work giving you the illusion that there is something underneath you. I've seen this type of art work before, sadly not in person, but in massages and on the internet (such as Facebook where I found it). I thought this was very inspiring because of the depth in making sure every crack was shaded in correctly or that every the waterfall fell the right way. It made me think of Photoshop and how I could design my on free falling photo with several pictures and a great contrast to light and shadow usage.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Project 3: revised

I'm still working on some of these pages but I would still like more feed back on the pages I have no clue on what to do...

These pages I fixed:

For these I have no idea what to change the background too:

For this one I was thinking of having a notebook open as the background:

For this I was wondering do you make it more realistic:

Thank you.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

7 Types/Functions of Websites

Brochure Site
  • It set up with different categories of what is going on at the place and what they offer.
Social/ Community Site
  • It's a social network built around fraternities. Focusing on the different frats.
  • The fact that it answers your questions about how things work and how they are made.
  • A home shopping network that people love to call in or go online and shop off of.
Flash/ Entertainment
  • It has multiple games you can chose from. You can click on any game and end up either playing single player or multi-player.
  • You can download the site onto a phone a computer and use it where ever you go.
CMS (Content Management System)
  • This site helped me create this whole blog page layout for this class.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Street Art

Thanks to the photographer Pablo Castro (In Melrose)...

My friend and I was having a discussion about how some street art has become more popular and spread throughout Southern California. I remember watching the news on how a lady had to paint over her fence because her neighbors didn't see it as art more so as graffiti. It's there a difference? I thought graffiti was gang related signs with no color aspect to them at all.

More so, people use street art to promote underground art shows or to leave a heart felt message using simple imagery. Has any of this effect you?

With me being more into computer art (designing on the computer, wishing I could actually street art), I see this as an influence to some how recreate this type of art on my own computer. Has anything ever influenced you to where you want to recreate it for yourself?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Teen Pregnancy Redo

I decided to see what one illustrated one looks like and what photo looks like...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Info Graphic Pro. 1B: Teen Pregnancy Poster

Over any break I had during the week, I always ended up watching two hours of "The Maury Show," and the people who were on there that shocked me the most were the teenage girls who didn't know who their baby fathers were.

With even more shows about teen pregnancy such as "Teen Mom, 16 and Pregnant, and The Secret Life of an American Teenager;" I can tell that these shows have a great amount of fan base and also a great amount of influence on girls today.

That is why I have decided to focus my info graphic poster on Teen Pregnancies in America.

Some of the information I have found are in these links:

I plan on doing more research about it, as in sticking to a certain year such as 2010 and reviewing the age groups.

Info Graphic Pro. 1: Bikes Vs. Skateboards at CSUN

I have decided to redone the whole layout of what I had before for this info graphic.

This was the design I had before...

And this is what I have decided to create instead...

To me, I feel like I had made a very big improvement on what I had originally before, to what I have now...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Week 1: What Inspired You and Info Graphics

The reason why I wanted to become a graphic designer was because of the web design class I took back in high school over the summer. I was really fascinated with the codes my teacher gave us to use to create our websites with, and by using those codes came a good layout. After that class I wanted to learn more and decided that this was what I wanted to do with my life. Is to become a web/ graphic designer. So far learning this profession has given me some ups and downs, but I am always happy with the end result with my work. I can't wait to see what more I have to offer and I am looking forward to the future of what I bring into this design world.

The three websites I chose that seemed interesting in their info graphics designs were:

I chose these three because, they all show different ways of formatting, displaying information, and keeping the readers attention with the use of colors, imagery, and effect it has on the person looking at these charts.