Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Info Graphic Pro. 1B: Teen Pregnancy Poster

Over any break I had during the week, I always ended up watching two hours of "The Maury Show," and the people who were on there that shocked me the most were the teenage girls who didn't know who their baby fathers were.

With even more shows about teen pregnancy such as "Teen Mom, 16 and Pregnant, and The Secret Life of an American Teenager;" I can tell that these shows have a great amount of fan base and also a great amount of influence on girls today.

That is why I have decided to focus my info graphic poster on Teen Pregnancies in America.

Some of the information I have found are in these links:

I plan on doing more research about it, as in sticking to a certain year such as 2010 and reviewing the age groups.

Info Graphic Pro. 1: Bikes Vs. Skateboards at CSUN

I have decided to redone the whole layout of what I had before for this info graphic.

This was the design I had before...

And this is what I have decided to create instead...

To me, I feel like I had made a very big improvement on what I had originally before, to what I have now...