Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Info Graphic Pro. 1: Bikes Vs. Skateboards at CSUN

I have decided to redone the whole layout of what I had before for this info graphic.

This was the design I had before...

And this is what I have decided to create instead...

To me, I feel like I had made a very big improvement on what I had originally before, to what I have now...


  1. trendy,
    much better just in illustration style alone. the type needs to be placed better and act more like captions. the centering of type on the very top is oddly placed. Rethink the type selections as there is nothing wrong with the fonts except they are so overused and accessible that it makes the design not feel as unique.

  2. I really like the improvements from your first design. Before, it was difficult to tell that it was done on an adobe program but now it looks much better. I like the color scheme more and the way you used pictures of feed and skateboards and bikes to incorporate information. One suggestion would be the type. It won't let me click on it to make it bigger, but from the smaller version it looks difficult to read and the word 'skateboards' and 'bikes' needs to be in a different font, maybe not so decorative. Nice work!!

  3. Sorry about that Ashley, I'm new to this. Hahaha I'll make sure next time my images are clickable.

  4. I really like the colors your using in the revised design and also how u decided to actually use the bicycles and feet or shoes to show your data.the bike looks awesome. i think something you might change would be the placement of everything. it kinda looks like overall the place. maybe u can keep the titles bikes and skateboards on the same side and adjust it from there.change the font for those 2 words also

  5. The bad news, the images are just thumbnails, and I cant see the details. However, from the small photos here I'm already liking ti better for several reasons. 1st the background is now gray, much more subtle and neutral to the eyes. I like your pictogram as well - the socks, bike and skateboard images actually represent something real (easy to understand. The visual layout and distribution is well maintained with,splitting the screen on two. That's all I can tell from a small image =) Good job!
